
  • Mrs. Parker ---- 3rd Grade ---- Jamacha Elementary School



    I am so lucky to be trusted with your student in my 3rd grade classroom. Teaching is a passion that I love to do each and every day.  We will make our way through the school year with hard work and classroom communication. I believe that when parents and teachers work together, children benefit the most. I hope your child has a super learning experience in 3rd grade. I am in room H-22.



    Let's Stay in Touch:  If you have any questions, my email is: parkerj@cajonvalley.net


    Healthy Snacks: Please have your student bring only a healthy snack for snack recess.  This may be fruit, a granola bar, or a handful of nuts.  

    Volunteers: I am open to having classroom volunteers. Please email me to schedule. 


    Computers: Please have your students charge their computers nightly and carry their earbuds and headphones back and forth to class daily. 

    Supplies:  Pencils and computer headphones are needed the most.