LCAP Questions for the Superintendent - May 2023

  • Question: Is there a plan to get safety leads at elementary schools?

    Answer: There have been requests to have CSL's at all sites. Funding to do this would require cuts to other positions or services at this time. To increase support, we will be hiring additional roving CSLs to respond to specific school zones. Additionally, we’ll have a central line (dedicated dispatch number) that will be available to all school staff; this will allow for quick dispatch and faster response.

    Question: You said that CVMS currently has two, but next year they will only have one. With the increase of students and an additional lunch, wouldn’t it be best to keep it at two?

    Answer: Sites may fund additional campus safety leads or other staff to assist with student safety including lunch supervision.

    Question: We have been talking about updating the cameras for a long time. What’s the update?

    Answer: A district-wide upgrade of cameras would require additional funding beyond site or central budgets. An upgrade of this scope would most likely be funded through a district bond.

    Question: We need a female safety lead.

    Answer: We currently have two female Campus Safety Leads. Any person with the appropriate qualifications can apply for a Campus Safety Lead position.