The Sunflower Teacher



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Karen Meza

Rancho San Diego, CA
Hillsdale Alumni
Valhalla Alumni
University of San Diego 
   Bachelors in History 
   Master in Education 
About Me: 
History is my passion. In the classroom, we strive to appreciate cultures, role play world connections and discuss historically significant controversies and discoveries. I love sunsets and sunrises, riding my bike, hiking, spending time with family, and could use some cooking tips if anyone is interested in helping me out. My life revolves around my loving husband and beautiful son. I find adventure by traveling near and far. With 10 countries and 22 states checked off so far, there is still a world of possibilities to come. Traveling has opened my heart and mind to the vast amount of cultures and traditions that make humanity dynamic. I love to meet new people and truly see the world for its reality. Intimacy - "into me you see."



Degrees and Certifications:

7th Grade History

During the course of this year, we will travel back in time discovering cultures, connections, and changes throughout our Medieval world. Students will be actively engaged in interactive activities that encourage the development of empathy and critical thinking. Whether we are builders of Roman aqueducts, knights defending our lord's manor, or African silent barter traders - we will be putting our hearts and our focused minds towards discovering how the world of the past ignites the world of today. 

7th grade is a year of heightened social interactions, hormone imbalances, greater responsibility, possible deflation of grades, distractions, friendships, new experiences, and hopefully a lot of happy memories. I hope to work with you to prepare your students for the tests of life through social-emotional learning, and for academic achievement. I am hopeful you will continue to play an active role in your student's life as they need you now more than ever to set them on a path towards happiness, healthy relationships, and gainful employment. I am excited to journey with you and your student(s) through this year.